
Department of State Official Assures that Hitting Women is a Brave Act

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The U.S. Government regretted today the death of the Cuban "dissident" Wilman Villar, a "young and brave defender of the human rights in Cuba."  
Wilmar Villar was captured on July 7, 2011 after brutally beating his wife. His mother-in-law, Maritza’s mother, called local authorities to help her daughter. “Please come he is killing her ", she said.
When police officers arrived at the place of the denunciation found the wife of the brave defender of the human rights - according to the spokesman of the Department of State, Victoria Nuland -, with bloodstained mouth and laying on a corner of the house porch. By her side, the valiant Wilmar was sitting on a rocking chair as if nothing had happened.  
The beating, the United States government protégée, gave to his own wife had the children of the couple as witness. The children were sleeping and woke when hearing the screams.
Twitter and the Failed Attempt of Changing a Common Prisoner into a "Dissident Striker"

By Aday del Sol Reyes

Western Media turn again to ready-made lies, overlooking every journalistic ethics, to respond submissively to the imperialistic interests against Cuba.
Western Media turn again to ready-made lies, overlooking every journalistic ethics, to respond submissively to the imperialistic interests against Cuba.  
While in the Island is broadcasted the news that only in 2011 were carried out 183 kidney, liver, and hematopoietics stem cells free of charge transplants, the vultures of the empire make an effort to mount a campaign in favor of a common prisoner, whom they attempt to disguise before the world’s public opinion as a "dissident striker" using misleading headlines and the diffusion of that epithet throughout the social networks.  
The manipulation is so huge that El Pais newspaper went through the trouble of publishing an editorial (once the article had been removed) where they qualified the Cuban Wilmar Villar Mendoza as a “conscience prisoner” who died of a hunger strike and pneumonia.  
On the other hand, ABC newspaper dedicated a space to the topic and manipulated the article by showing an image of students from the art school with Cuban flags as if they were attending Villar Mendoza’s burial. The truth on the wake and funeral of that common prisoner was published and pictured by bloggers and journalists of Santiago de Cuba who offered details of the event, but that reality was ignored by the "great press."  
Who was Wilman Villar Mendoza?  
Wilman Villar Mendoza, natural from Contramaestre, Santiago de Cuba had violated Cuban laws. He was in jail since November 25, 2011, for the crime of Contempt, Assault, and Resistance to law enforcement authorities who were conducting him to the police station after beating his wife and caused her severe lesions.  
In an attempt to avoid the sentence he got involved with opposing groups that made him believe that, becoming an overnight dissident his case will take a political turnaround. Ironically his wife has also made her share in the charade. Sources close to the family told the Cuban bloggers that he received a payment of $80 dollars for showing a solidary position with her husband and assure he was in a hunger strike.  
Cuba’s truth has been exposed in the  government's official statement that offered abundant evidence and testimonies that demonstrate that Villar Mendoza was not a "dissident" neither he was in a hunger strike.
Twitter manipulation  
The manipulation also spread into the social networks where twitter messages at the service of the empire under the hashtag #WMV demonstrated, once again, their joy for the death of any Cuban who proves to be useful to the defamation campaigns against Cuba.  
The messages of vultures of the cyberwar against Cuba were minimized after the truth on the case of Wilman Villar Mendoza was published under the hashtag #BuitresUsa with which revolutionary twitter users, in Cuba and abroad promoted through the social network the true cause of the death of the common prisoner.  
It is not necessary that Cuba convinces anyone on its proven humanity, but neither will we accept manipulations that attempt to foul the example our country represents before the world.  
We will never allow pressures from the government of a country that shows the outraging figure of 46 millions of poor North Americans, the highest register in 52 years. The United States violates, unpunished, without anyone daring to condemn them, the international right of keeping open in Cuba the prison of Guantanamo, where, in its ten years of existence there have been more deaths than tried detainees.

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